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Integrating the voice of stakeholders into the meeting

Hybrid meetings are the future of AGM. Thanks to their ability to blend the physical with the remote, adding a virtual meeting environment is a simple yet effective way to enfranchise stakeholders and ensure that debate can freely take its course.

Once inside the meeting, there should be ample opportunity for attendees to participate in the business of the meeting, exercise their rights to vote and have their questions answered.

How can my organization help stakeholders engage with the AGM?

There are two major factors to consider: one, is the importance of participants having their questions asked and answered by the leadership team. A basic solution may be an instant messaging Q&A where attendees can type questions and send them to the meeting for moderation and to be discussed either in the body of the meeting, or answered after the fact.

Alternatively, your organization may opt for a platform which facilitates in-chat Q&A where the broadcast of the meeting can continue uninterrupted. With this solution, attendees can still have their questions responded to directly in the chat portal alongside your Chair addressing some questions in the broadcast. A final option, if your organization hopes to prioritize discussion and stakeholder voice, is the integration of telephony, or a virtual microphone, which gives attendees the opportunity to verbally address senior leaders.

How do I know which option will work for me?

To ensure your organization selects the right option, it’s vital to look to your Articles of Association. Depending on your company’s articles, you may be able to opt for an informal Q&A. Conversely, your organization may be obliged to ensure participants are able to speak and be heard by verbal Q&A. Even if your Articles don’t explicitly mention verbal or vocalised questions your organization may still feel that a text Q&A doesn’t produce enough opportunities for engagement to satisfy your obligation. 

Should I introduce a virtual microphone? A quick checklist:

1. Articles of Association- what is your obligation?
2. Does your team have the capacity to handle live Q&A moderation?
3. Does a text Q&A give stakeholders a chance to be properly heard?
4. Is verbal discussion a priority?

How can I balance interaction with ensuring my meeting runs smoothly?

Integrating meaningful discussion into the business of the meeting can sometimes feel daunting. However, Lumi's sophisticated interaction tools can help. Whether your organization is looking to streamline the ways through which stakeholders can participate using better moderation tools or in-chat functionality, or increase opportunities for verbal discourse the Lumi platform can help bring your goals to life.